Dynamic Adaptive Virtual Educational System (DAVES) is a system for distance learning using practical exercises. The system specifically allows learning and assessment through interaction using variety of user interfaces as well as smart tutorials and logic games for an immediate insight into students' progress. DAVES supports 2D - 3D conversion, tactile user interface, and manipulation. It is specifically designed to support practical labs on distance solving problems current online learning systems are facing.
During my PhD research I have developed one virtual laboratory for graphics design distance learning course as part of DAVES. The course was based on using a cost-effective virtual laboratory environment for teaching and learning in a real-life design. Virtual laboratory used is cross-browser solution with the possibility to use various interfaces without introducing additional plug-ins. The virtual lab enables real-time 2D and 3D design, communication, group collaboration, and remote desktop. Group-project assessment as well as a relevant feedback was continuously realized throughout the course exposition.